The Development of French Family Planning Organizations

The Development of French Family Planning Organizations

French family planning organizations have evolved significantly since their founding in the early 20th century. Over time, policies and programs designed to control population growth have transformed, reflecting the social, political, and economic changes in the country. In this article, we will explore the history and development of French family planning organizations, as well as their impact on French society today.

1. The Beginnings of French Family Planning Organizations

French family planning organizations began in the early 20th century, when the issue of population growth began to attract the attention of the government and society. During this period, France experienced a significant decline in birth rates, especially after World War I. In response to these concerns, organizations began to develop approaches to regulate the number of births within families.

One of the first steps in family planning regulation was the founding of La Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté des Mariages in 1912. This organization aimed to promote family planning through education and access to contraceptives. However, at the time, the topic of family planning was still considered taboo and controversial. Therefore, these organizations fought hard to change public perception and gain political support.

2. The 1930s to 1950s: Social Change and the Role of Government

In the 1930s, France faced a greater demographic challenge, with a steadily declining birth rate. The government began to recognize that birth control measures could help address this problem. However, birth control remained a sensitive topic in many circles, especially because of the strong influence of the Catholic Church in the country.

In 1939, the French government finally allowed the use of birth control under medical supervision, but this was still limited to individuals with legitimate medical reasons. However, in 1956, the use of contraception began to be more freely accepted after the approval of the first oral contraceptive drug known as the “pill.” This decision brought about a significant change in the way people viewed family planning, and gave women more control over their bodies and their futures.

3. 1960s: Social Revolution and the Legalization of Contraception

The 1960s were a time of social revolution in many countries, and France was no exception. In 1967, a law known as the Loi Neuwirth was passed, which officially legalized contraception in France for the first time. This law is considered a milestone in the country’s family planning movement, as it gave couples greater access to the option of having children.

In addition, the law lifted many previous restrictions on contraception, and introduced policies that allowed women to have more control over their reproductive lives. The law also recognized the important role of women in the family, and promoted reproductive rights as part of gender equality.

4. 1970s to 1990s: Health and Education-Based Approaches

Following the legalization of contraception in 1967, family planning policy in France increasingly focused on reproductive health and education. In 1975, France passed the Loi Veil, legalizing abortion, allowing women to access abortion under certain circumstances. This policy was highly controversial, but it further strengthened women’s reproductive rights in France.

During this period, the government also introduced a range of sex education programs in schools, aimed at providing clear and accurate information about contraception and reproductive health. These programs helped people understand the importance of family planning and provided the knowledge to make better decisions about their health and family life.

In the 1990s, organizations such as Planning Familial played a major role in increasing access to family planning services for both young and older couples. This was also a significant period in which new types of contraception were introduced, including long-acting contraceptives.

5. 21st Century: Innovation and Universal Access

As we enter the 21st century, family planning organizations in France continue to grow, with a focus on innovation in reproductive health services and community outreach. One notable achievement was the introduction of the emergency contraceptive pill, which provides a quick solution for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies.

France has also become increasingly committed to universal access to reproductive health services. Under the national health insurance system, the costs of contraceptives and abortions are often fully covered by the government, making access easier for all citizens, including those with low incomes.

At the same time, family planning organizations in France have begun to expand their services to address fertility issues and offer psychological support to couples experiencing difficulties in planning their families. With this holistic approach, family planning organizations strive to meet the diverse needs of the population when it comes to reproductive health.

The development of family planning organizations in France has created a major shift in the way the country manages its population and supports the social well-being of its citizens. From its controversial beginnings to becoming an integral part of the national health system, family planning has had a significant impact on women’s rights, reproductive health, and social policy.

Today, France is seen as an example of a country that has successfully implemented family planning policies that focus on health, education, and gender equality. With wider access to contraception, sex education, and abortion services, France has created an environment where individuals have more control over their reproductive decisions. As a result, family planning in France has become not just a demographic issue, but also a profound human rights issue.

Through progressive organizations and policies, France continues to advocate for inclusive and sustainable reproductive health services, providing valuable lessons for other countries around the world seeking to improve the well-being of families and communities as a whole.

The Family Planning Authority in France and Existing Contraceptive Policies

Contraceptive Policies

Population birth control or also known as birth control is something that can be found in almost all countries. The birth rate is monitored and managed so that later the population growth rate can be controlled. In Indonesia, the term family planning (KB) is known as a substitute for birth control. Family Planning is known as a program that has the motto “two children is enough” and this has been in effect for a long time although that does not mean that a family cannot have more than one child. This family planning program is also managed and handled by the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN). This agency is the official government organization that is responsible for population and family planning programs.

Family planning programs also exist in other countries. This is because almost all countries really need to control the rate of population growth so that there is no overpopulation that can cause problems in the country. The same is also found in France. In this case, the birth control program is under the auspices of the French Ministry of Health, and one of the things that is of concern in this case is related to contraception. Contraception is a method to control birth by preventing fertilization in a woman’s womb.

France has a special interest in this contraception. The use of contraception is controlled and managed by the state, and this too has the support of the government. This support is provided in the form of subsidies for the use and purchase of contraceptives. In particular, this subsidy is available for contraceptive pills or also known as birth control pills in Indonesia as well as for implants. For regulations, the use of these two methods of contraception must be checked by a gynecologist and will be given a prescription later.

Support from the government is given because the cost for pills and implants is not cheap. With subsidies from the government, at least women can still get the opportunity to control and control births and can make their own choices when they want to get pregnant. Financial problems had indeed become an obstacle for many families where then birth control became difficult to carry out. With this subsidy, it is hoped that women will be able to have greater strength and courage to use contraception.

In addition, there are also policies aimed at young women. In this case, a maximum age limit of 18 years is applied and women in that age range can get contraceptive services for free, especially for pills and implants which are indeed expensive. Recently, the French Ministry of Health has also just issued an announcement of a new policy related to the age limit. The previous maximum age limit of 18 years will be changed to 25 years and this will take effect from 1 January 2022 to come.

Birth control pills are pills or drugs that can affect hormone performance. Hormones in a woman’s body will be able to suppress ovulation after taking the drug. Implants also have the same function. However, this implant will be placed in the body, precisely under the surface of the skin. Substances in the implant will enter the body through the blood and provide the same effect as existing contraceptive pills. Both of these methods do require a prescription and recommendation from a doctor. In addition, there are also spermicides which is a gel or capsule that will be inserted into the female organs. Its purpose is to inactivate or destroy sperm cells that enter a woman’s vagina. However, this spermicide is not included in the government subsidy.

France Suggests Family Planning and Its Benefit

France Suggests Family Planning and Its Benefit

France is currently promoting about family planning for all marriage couple in the whole country. It will give much benefit for the family, and even in the bigger scale, for the country itself. The promotion about family planning is keep on going, so citizens can be more aware and start to learn about it before deciding to get married.

  • Having Family Planning Will Guarantee the Growth of Children in A Better Way

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. That’s what people in France usually say when they talk about planning. Somehow, it happens in the family planning as well. Having family planning is not only good for the father and mother only. The children who grow up inside the house will also experience the positive effect of family planning as they grow bigger in the house.

Family planning in France will make a marriage couple to learn about specific age to get married, specific year gap for having another child, and limit age for a mother to give birth. Knowing all those things will let the children in the house grow with full of love from their parents. Meanwhile, children can enjoy their childhood with love the way you enjoy winning poker at parents can also enjoy their precious time as father and mother.

  • Avoid Unexpected Pregnancy

Father and mother always wait the presence of child. There are some cases of parents who wait for years for hearing the sound of their babies, but in the other case, there are parents who unexpectedly given the chance for having a baby. However, when it comes to certain limit, it is best for them not for having another one. It is for the sake of the family, including father, mother, and current children.

Therefore, applying family planning in France is expected to protect marriage couples from any unexpected pregnancy that they should not have the way good planning and saves your from bankruptcy.

France government introduced about contraception tools. These tools are highly effective for avoiding unexpected pregnancy. However, the tools are personal, which means it is not always suitable for everyone. Therefore, parents need to learn about it, so they can decide which contraception tool will suit the most for their condition.

Family planning awareness in France is keep on growing, thank to its government. There are many benefits for a marriage couple to do family planning, including children can grow with full of love and parents can avoid unexpected pregnancy for good reason.

Using Fertility Awareness Method in French Family Planning

Using Fertility Awareness Method in French Family Planning

Using Fertility Awareness Method in French Family Planning – Not all cases related to family planning involves parents with pregnancy before marriage. Some couples do come to consult the plan on controlling pregnancy. There are several available options, and one of them is fertility awareness. How does this plan work?
– The Description of Fertility Awareness Method
Woman that has fertility awareness could tell her own fertility period. It is usually before and after the menstrual cycle. Some other terms used for fertility awareness are natural planning and periodic abstinence. To check her fertility, a woman could use several methods and more than one method could be combined together.

The standard method is by marking the calendar for menstrual cycle. It is also possible to tell fertility by noticing cervical secretion. The woman will feel the eggs poured out and the vaginal area is wet.

– The Effectiveness of Fertility Awareness Method
The best answer to effectiveness question depends heavily on the couple. The more they have intercourse during fertile period, the higher chance for the wife to get pregnant.

However, if the couple could follow the instruction correctly, then the pregnancy rate is around 15%. This percentage is similar to the bonus provided by online casino games. The data shows that only 15 out of 100 women get pregnant during the first year of marriage after practicing periodical abstinence.

French Family Planning

– Most Asked Questions About the Method
One of the questions that women often ask is whether the fertility awareness method is applicable only for well-educated couple. Of course, it is not true. Any couple, no matter what their education background is, could use the fertility awareness method. The only requirement is strong commitment and accurate fertility period calculation.

Many couples also want to know whether the spermicide method is more effective than fertility awareness method. The answer is “no”. During fertility period, it is safer to use condom or even avoid vaginal intercourse.

To get pregnant, the womb should produce eggs. Another term is fertility; by controlling the intercourse outside fertility period, the couple will decrease the chance of being pregnant. Several options could be used to determine whether the woman is fertile or not. Also, it is more effective than some other methods such as spermicide.

How Family Planning in France Helps to Control the Population

Family Planning in France Helps to Control the Population

How Family Planning in France Helps to Control the Population – France might be a small country in Europe. Even though, its population and birth rate is considered as something quite high. This might be one of the reasons why the family planning program in France is one thing that the government highlight. Yes, by using this kind of program, the government is able to control the growth of the population as well as the birth rate. For those who are wondering how this family planning program is able to suppress the birth rate in France, then you need to know some of these things below.

– Family Planning to Deal with Minimum Marriage Age
The first one that is included inside the family planning is the restriction of the citizens who have not reached a specific age. This one is meant to make sure that all of the people who marry in France have reached a certain age. It is because if the people marry at the young age, the people will have the baby sooner. It means the plan from the program will not go well. That is why the government need to do this work together with the family planning to make sure that the babies are born from the couples with the certain age.

– Contraception in Family Planning
Contraception is one thing that can be used to fully suppress the number of population. It is because if couples are using contraception when they are having sexual intercourse, the chance of having a baby will be fully minimized. As the result, the birth rate will be decreased. If the birth rate is decreased, then the number of population will be under control. For your information, this kind of method has been used in many countries outside France too. The result is quite effective in most of those countries out there.

How Family Planning in France Helps to Control the Population

– Limit the Government Allowance
It is something common for the local or central government to give support in the form of allowance or something like that to the people. However, the people need to make sure that they follow all of the rules and regulations. This one includes the number of kids that they can have. That means if you have kids more than the regulated ones, then you will not get the support for the third kid. This might sound very simple but the result can be very significant because of the high living cost in France. That is why people tend to obey the rules and regulations.

The Challenges: French Family Planning Organization

The Challenges French Family Planning Organization

The Challenges: French Family Planning Organization – Even before the pandemic, French Family Planning already faced a lot of problems. The rate of several problems such as domestic abuse and women well-being is getting higher as the pandemic forces people to stay at home. Thus, a proposal is made to deal with these problems. What are they?
– Psychosocial Support Service
It is good to take protection act for women at risk group such as immigrant and refugees. The attempt will be even better with additional psychosocial support service. No matter how the protection works, the violence still happens. Thus, the victims should know that they have a line to call.

The psychosocial support service could be the sub-part of the protection against gender-based violence. Moreover, it is not only for receiving the calls. A collaboration with several stakeholders as police, hospital and psychiatric should be established. The all-in-one service resembles the benefits provided by trusted online games.

– Maternal And New-born Mortality
With the lockdown and social limitation, the greatest impact to public is decreasing income. On the other hand, the pregnancy period is still running, adding the amount of daily expenses. If the recession continues, then abortion and new-born mortality rate will go up.

To prevent this accident, there must be a declaration among health practitioners, hospitals and government to maintain the stability of reproductive health funding. It is essentials to run safe abortion clinic and treat the sexually transmitted infection. Without the fund, the program cannot be implemented.

– Reproductive Health Commodities
Since pregnancy could happen to all women in reproductive period despite of their age (young, adult and older), then a program to provide health commodities is presented as well. In this program, the talk about sexuality is not something taboo.

It is quite the opposite; the program aims to give access for women in reproductive age to sexual health goods and services. Being fully aware of the risk, it is expected that the maternal rate will be lower especially during the pandemic.

French Family Planning concerns not only about the prevention steps but also the complex nature of social problems and individual issues. To reduce the rate of child birth and ensure women’s sexual health, three programs are proposed: providing psychosocial service, reducing the new-born mortality and granting access to reproductive health commodities.

Some Works of France Family Planning Organization

Some Works of France Family Planning Organization

Family planning is one of those programs that many governments have in many countries in the world. It is because to press or regulate the number of population, the proper program is needed. In this case, the family planning program is one of them that the government can use. For your information, the family planning organization in France is doing their best to control the population of their people though the organization. This family planning organization in France are doing some of these amazing works to control the increasing number of population in France because of the increasing birth rate.

– Socialization to Use Contraception
The first one is the socialization to use the contraception when having sexual intercourse. This is one of the most common things that many family planning organizations in the world are doing. The reason is because using contraception while doing sexual intercourse will surely decrease the chance of getting a baby. The main function of the socialization is because the people need to know that there are some different kinds of contraception that they can use. By doing so, the government is able to minimize the number or population through the control of the birth rate.

– Making Regulation about Marriage
There are a lot of people who think that marriage is a personal right. That is not a wrong opinion to have because all of the people have their right to get marry. However, to control the number of population in France, the family planning organization in France with the central government is trying to make some regulations related with the minimum marriage age. It is because the younger you marry; the sooner you will have a baby. That is why this kind of marriage regulation is hoped to be a light to control the birth rate and the increasing population in France.

– Personal Allowance for Families
The last but not least is the reward of personal allowance for families with specific number of kids. This regulation is one thing that have been applied in many other countries around the world. Most of the time, the central government will give a kind of reward or allowance for the kids up to a specific number. For example, in Indonesia you will get the allowance for your first and second kid only. If you have three kids, then the last one will not get any kind of allowance or compensation.

Reasons to Have Family Planning in France

Reasons to Have Family Planning in France

Reasons to Have Family Planning in France – For any countries in this millennial age, there are always reasons to have family planning. Not only for poor or developing countries, family planning is also the right way for developed countries to keep them in more stable condition or even better. As one of developed countries in European Union, there are many reasons why family planning in France is important. Here are some of the reasons.

1. Promoting Economic and Social Security and Development
For the country, the main reason to start family planning campaign is definitely to promote economic and social security, as well as its development. It’s not hard to understand that countries with high population growth tend to face more problems in economic and social sector. France hasn’t necessarily in that position, but having the prevention surely will be beneficial for the country and the people, like when you prevent from losing a bet in an online slot game in

Since France constantly has higher birth rate than death rate, government needs to take an action to prevent any over-population situation. Having more populations competing for limited sources like food, job, school, and housing is surely not a necessary condition for a country like France. Family planning necessarily helps the country to slow the population growth.

2. Reducing the Number of Abortions
It’s true that abortion is actually a legal thing in France, as long as the pregnancy is within first twelve weeks. However, things could’ve been better, easier and simpler if people don’t have to do abortion at the first place.

Not to mention that abortion can always go wrong since not everyone is able to do the proper abortion procedures. Abortion with improper procedures is not only unsafe and dangerous but also can lead to injuries or even maternal deaths. By having family planning, abortion can be avoided.

3. Improving Child Survival and Maternal Health
In many cases, early pregnancy never benefits neither the mother nor the child. The worst possible scenario, which usually happens, is there’s only one will survive, either the mother or the child. Given this fact, we can agree that early pregnancy isn’t an ideal situation to have, especially in a country like France. Therefore, family planning and contraceptive use are the best answer to improve child survival and maternal health in the future.

Given those reasons above, it’s safe to say that family planning is actually a necessary campaign almost for any country in this millennial age. With more challenges coming up in the future, family planning at least can help us to prevent any unwanted situation.

Contraceptive Practices in France

Contraceptive Practices in France

Contraceptive Practices in France – It’s safe to say that many young generations or young families in France are familiar with the word contraceptive, but do they actually know about it? In fact, dealing with this kind of thing is necessary, especially in a country like France which its population number is always increasing year by year. If you’re one of those young families, this detail about contraceptive practices below is necessary for you.

1. The Contexts
First of all, you need to know why this matter is necessary for any young families in France. For the past 30 years, the government has legalized the use of contraception. The pattern of use itself eventually changed during the 1960s to the 1980s era. Hence, if we take a look closely about any possible impacts of the raised concern about potential of HIV and many other sexual diseases infection, it’s not really hard to understand why the pattern of contraceptive use changes rapidly.

In the 1990s era, contraceptive practices were actually already started. If you remember, that era actually marked the rapid growth of HIV and other sexual diseases in European Union countries, including France. No wonder, the practices were already established in the 1990s.

Contraceptive Practices in France

2. The Methods
Once you’ve comprehended the context of contraceptive practices, you need to know about how the things get done. Back in 1994, there were at least 5,900 French households were assigned for inclusion in the Family Survey as well as Fertility.

In the process, they asked random respondents about their family status and formation, as well as the patterns of their contraceptive use. The results then were compared to those comparable and similar surveys which were conducted in 1978 and 1988.

3. The Results
Results said that in 1994, 2/3 of women in France applied some reversible forms of contraceptive method. Meanwhile, the use of oral contraceptive grown relatively steady in France; about 45% of women at the age of 20 to 45 were found consuming the contraceptive pills, either alone or combined with any other methods in that year, compared to 27% in 1978 and 35% in 1988. It’s enough to prove that the pattern of contraceptive use has changed.

Having contraceptive practices turn out to be beneficial for France, both for the government and the people. Not only to prevent any HIV or sexual disease to spread, this kind of practice can also help families in family planning.

Benefits of Family Planning in France

Benefits of Family Planning in France

Benefits of Family Planning in France – In this millennial era, we can agree that no matter what country you live in, family planning is always a good solution to decrease the number of population growth. Some of us probably think this will only work in developing country, but in fact, family planning is always a necessary movement, including for a country like France. Here are some of the benefits of having family planning.

  • nEnhancing Education and Empowering People
    The first and clearest benefit is to enhance education as well as to empower people. With family planning, also provides clear opportunities for women to go after their education and participation in public life. This is surely a must for any country to support their women in pursuing education life, especially a developed country like France. Furthermore, parents will be able to invest more for each of their child because of smaller family members. In addition, compared to children with many siblings, children with fewer siblings or a single child will have higher chance to stay longer in education. Just as you will be better handling one bet in an online poker game in to win, focusing in fewer kids is smart.
  • Preventing HIV/AIDS
    It’s not a secret that HIV/AIDS can infect anyone. Small countries, big countries, developing countries, developed countries; anyone can get infected by this incurable disease. France is not an exception. HIV/AIDS can spread in many ways, and one of the most often is from infected mothers who gave birth. With family planning, the risk of infected mothers to give birth an unplanned child surely can be reduced. As a result, there will be fewer infected orphans and babies. Furthermore, there are also condoms that will provide dual protection for male and female against unplanned pregnancies.
Benefits of Family Planning
  • Slowing Population Growth
    It’s safe to say that most of developed countries in European Union have low rate of growing population. That’s really how it should be. As one of developed European Union countries, France should keep it that way too, but the fact is the country has higher birth rate than death rate every year since 2014. It only means that their population growth keeps rising. That’s what family planning for; to slow uncontrolled growing population which often results more likely negative impacts on environment, economy, as well as regional and development efforts.

Basically, having early family planning will benefit any parties who are involved. No matter where you live, controlling the numbers if birth will always be beneficial for countries and its people.

Excess Population and Solutions from the French Family Planning Organization

Excess Population and Solutions from the French Family Planning Organization

Many things related to the population are a matter for the government. This includes the issue of birth and death. The rate of birth and death in a country must be balanced. Birth rates should not be too high, but not too low. An example of a country with the highest fertility rates in Europe is France.

Fertility rates in FRENCH reach around 1.6 children per woman. Certainly higher than some other countries in Europe. Especially when compared with fertility rates in Eastern and Southern European countries which are quite low. Seeing the high level of fertility in this country, as well as the increase in the number of births, a family planning organization was created.

Excess Population Solutions from Family Planning Organizations in France

Family planning is no longer a foreign program. Especially in countries that have a surge in population. This program is one of the government’s efforts to regulate its population. The method is to limit the number of members in the family. The number of births and deaths must indeed be a concern for the government.

The number of births and deaths that are too high or low does not become good for a country. So as the name implies, the family becomes the main object in this program. In a similar effort to control the population in the country, France also co-founded a Family Planning Organization.

The establishment of family planning organizations in France is certainly inseparable from the surge in birth rates in this country. If you look at 2013, this country has experienced a population increase of up to 300 thousand. This population growth is due to an increase in the number of births compared to death. This dynamism of population in France can actually be a powerful weapon to strengthen the position of a country in Europe.

A fairly high fertility rate in France is expected to be a factor in population increase in the future. It is estimated that the population of France could surpass the population of Germany before the middle of this century. Family planning organizations in France are tasked with overcoming the excess population that might occur.

The way the French family planning organization is not only limits the number of children the family can have. But also by providing benefits for the family. Besides that, other assistance was also provided. For example, such as special leave for both parents, tax breaks according to the number of family members, as well as the provision of a place of care for children aged early.

Providing assistance to families from family planning organizations is usually given to families with more than one child. Families can be helped more and at least the government is not too burdened. The provision of child care centers is very important for working parents. Parents can still work and participate in economic dynamics.

French Family Planning Organization and why it is important

Family Planning Organizations in France

Family planning organizations have been owned by many countries today. Especially in developing countries that usually have problems in the field of population. One problem in the field of population is the birth or death rate that is too high. Through family planning programs, the government can regulate its population to control the number of members in the family.

Family planning programs also help families by providing benefits and policies. France as a developed country also has a family planning organization. This European Union member country has a fairly high birth rate compared to other countries in Europe. Therefore, family planning organizations in France are needed.

The Importance of the Existence of Family Planning Organizations in France

If you look at the data, France is one of the countries in Europe that has the highest fertility rate. Fertility indicators in France are different from other countries in Europe. In France, every woman is estimated to have a fertility rate of around 1.6 children. This fertility rate is quite high compared to Eastern and Southern European countries.

As for what affects birth in France is not the socio-economic condition of the community. But conditions such as family and social life are in harmony. Based on the survey also, it is known that around 60% of the young generation of France wants to build families and have offspring. This desire can actually put France in first place in Europe.

From the latest data in 2013, it was found that there had been an increase of 300 thousand residents in France. This population growth is due to a surplus in the number of births compared to death. The dynamism of population in France can strengthen France’s position in Europe.

Because now France is in a good position among other European countries. In addition, the fertility rate is also quite high. The population population in France is expected to continue to surpass the population of Germany before the middle of this century. Therefore a family planning organization was established in France to regulate population issues while also providing assistance and actions for the family.

The actions taken are not only limited to giving a limit about the number of children that can be owned in one family. But also the provision of assistance such as family allowances, special leave for mothers and fathers, tax breaks or other special benefits, as well as providing day care for early childhood.

Provision of this place of care is quite important, especially for many parents in France who have had careers. Especially the mothers. The provision of day care for children is not only to facilitate working parents, but also to create new jobs. Mothers can also continue to work and participate in economic dynamics. This arrangement by family planning organizations will help families with children.

Family Planning Organizations in France and Benefits Provided

Family Planning Organizations in France and Benefits Provided

Based on existing data, it is known that France belongs to one of the countries in the European Union which has the highest fertility rate. The position of France is behind Ireland. It is known that fertility rates in France reach around 1.6 children per woman. This figure is quite high when compared to the fertility rates in Eastern and Southern Europe which are quite low.

Birth in France is also much influenced by the conditions of family life and social harmony. Although there was an economic crisis in 2009, it did not significantly affect the birth rate in this country. Even if you see the trend, as many as 60% of the young generation of France wants to build a family and have offspring.

Benefits Provided by the French Family Planning Organization

It is known that around 60% of the young generation in France has a family and also descendants. The most influential thing about births in France is not the socio-economic conditions of society but conditions such as family life and social harmony. No wonder France is expected to be number one in Europe.

An increasing number of people in France encouraged the government to establish a family planning organization. Not only to control the population, but also to provide assistance and support for the family. Significant influence and benefits were also provided by family planning organizations.

In the latest data in 2013, it was known that there had been a population increase of up to 300 thousand in France. This increase in population is affected by a surplus in the number of births compared to death. Population dynamism in France can strengthen the position of countries in Europe. Plus France has a fairly high fertility rate.

Keep in mind that the establishment of a family planning organization is not only aimed at making rules. But also at the same time providing assistance and policies for the family. Surely the government wants all of its people to live in prosperity. So there is no gap in the country.

Family planning organizations not only control population in number. This organization also provides understanding and policy to the family. Assistance is also provided by. For example, such as the provision of family allowances, giving special leave for parents, as well as tax breaks in accordance with the number of family members. Those are some of the things provided by family planning organizations for a family.

In addition, family planning organizations also regulate about the maximum number of children in a family. In a family, the maximum number of children should be two. That way families in France will not experience the excess of children who cannot be taken care of and develop well. The hope is that all families in France can live in prosperity.

French Family Planning Organization and its Continuation

French Family Planning Organization and its Continuation

Family planning is a program created by the government in a country to control the population in their country. In this program, the government limits the number of children a family can have. This family planning program has been carried out by many countries and is calculated to successfully control the population.

Indeed the number of births and deaths must be considered by the government. Do not let the number of births be so high that they overflow and burden the government. But the government must also pay attention to the death rate so that it doesn’t get too high. France as a developed country also considers this. The following is a brief review.

French Family Planning Organization and its Purpose

Through family planning programs, the government seems to be trying to control the population within their country. The trick is to control the number of members in the family, while providing education related to family planning. The purpose of family planning is certainly to control the population so as not to explode.

Usually this increase in population is prevalent in developing countries that have not all been touched by modernization. It is not only developing countries that try to realize family planning. Developed countries like France also have family planning organizations. The goal is definitely to control the population. Plans and assistance were given to judi bola players families who were married.

If you look at statistical data, France is one of the countries with the highest fertility rates in Europe. The position of France is right behind Ireland. Statistically, France can be said to be different from other European countries. This country has an average fertility factor of around 1.6 children per woman.

This data is high compared to Eastern and Southern Europe which is quite low in fertility. The birth rate in France is not affected by the socio-economic conditions of the community. Because the evidence is that there are still babies born in the economic crisis that hit, in 2009 – 2010. What drives birth is harmonious family and social life. About 60% of the young generation of France is also known to want to build a family and have children.

Through these data, it can be said that the family planning organization in France has an important role. This organization not only aims to control the population in terms of numbers, but also at the same time provides understanding and policies that can help families through several actions.

One of the policies provided is family allowance and special leave for mothers who give birth and their fathers. Plus there are tax breaks according to the number of family members or other special benefits, as well as the provision of day care for early childhood. So the government not only regulates it but also ensures the welfare of the people who are married.

History of the French Family Planning Organization

History of the Emergence of Family Planning

As one of the developed countries in Europe, France has the highest fertility rate. Compared to other countries in Europe, France has a fertility rate of up to 1.6 children per woman. One of the things that affects birth in France is not the socio-economic conditions of the community.

But because of conditions such as family life and social harmony. About 60% of the younger generation in France want to build a family and also have children. This is why France is ranked number one in Europe about the population. Because of the increasing population in France, the government also formed a family planning organization to control population in France.

History of the Emergence of Family Planning Organizations in France

If you look at the data, indeed the birth rate in France continues to increase. In 2013 alone, there has been a population increase of up to 300 thousand in France. This population growth is due to an increase in the number of births compared to death.

This dynamism of population in France certainly strengthens France’s position in Europe. This high birth rate can bring France in a good position in Europe. This high fertility rate is expected to exceed the population of Germany before the middle of this century. Family planning organizations in France can manage the maximum number of children in each family.

Apart from the matter of regulating the maximum number of children in each family, family planning organizations can also provide family benefits. In addition, other assistance is also provided such as special leave for both parents, tax breaks according to the number of family members, as well as the provision of a place of care for young children.

Providing assistance to families from family planning organizations can help families with more than one child. Of course families are also more helped so as not to burden the government. For example, the matter of providing child care. Providing this place of care is important for bandar bola families whose parents work. The jobs that are formed can help parents to be able to finance their children. That way, there are no more abandoned children in France.

In the end, this type of organization is very important in order to make sure that all of the people in France can have better future. This type of organization is also important in many country that have high birthrate which will help to control it and make the country prosperous in the end as the number of people in the country will have balanced number.

Why is there a French Family Planning Organization

foreign program

Family planning is no longer a foreign program in many countries. This program is one of the government’s efforts to regulate its population in controlling the number of members in the family. As we know the number of births and deaths must also be a concern for the government. The number of births and deaths that are too high or low is not good for a country.

The family planning program seeks to control these two things. As the name implies, the family becomes the main object in this program. One country with a family planning organization is France. The emergence of family planning organizations in France is closely related to the birth rate in this country which is also quite large.

Reasons for the emergence of Family Planning Organizations in France

If you look at the data, France belongs to the country that has the highest fertility rate in Europe. The position of France is right behind Ireland. In numbers, the fertility rate in France is around 1.6 children per woman. Especially if you see fertility rates in Eastern and Southern Europe that are quite low.

Births in France are largely influenced by the conditions of family life and social harmony. Despite the economic crisis in 2009, it did not significantly affect the birth rate in this country. Based on trends, as many as 60% of the young generation of France wants to build a family and have offspring.

All the facts about the high birth rate in France are the reason for the government to establish a family planning organization. The emergence of this organization is not only to control population in terms of numbers. But also to provide understanding and policy to the agen sbobet family.

Assistance is also provided such as giving family allowances, giving special leave for parents, as well as tax breaks according to the number of family members. This family planning organization also regulates the maximum number of children in a family. So that each family in France will not experience excess children that they cannot take care of and develop well.

Information about the French Family Planning Organization

Family planning programs have been implemented in many countries. Through this program, the government seeks to regulate its population to control the number of members in the family, while providing education related to family planning. Family planning is closely related to the way the government controls the population so as not to explode.

Especially for developing countries that have not been all touched by modernization. But, there are also in some developed countries that encourage their residents to have children because the mortality rate is so high. France is one of the countries that has a family planning organization to control its population. The following is more complete about the explanation of family planning in France.

Existing Family Planning Organizations in France

France is one of the countries with the highest fertility rates in Europe. The position of France is behind Ireland. Thus, France can be said to be different from other European countries which have an average fertility factor of around 1.6 children per woman. Especially because the fertility rate in Eastern and Southern Europe is quite low.

In France alone, birth is not only influenced by the socio-economic conditions of the community. Babies born in 2010, are the result of conception in 2009, when the economic crisis hit. It is precisely what drives family life and social harmony. About 60% of the young generation of France wants to build a family and have offspring.

Therefore, a family planning organization was formed in France. The organization does not only aim to control population in terms of numbers. But it also provides understanding and policies that can help families through several actions.

For example, such as giving out various family allowances, giving special leave for mothers who give birth and also the father, tax relief according to the number of family members or other special benefits, as well as the provision of a place of care for early childhood. Given that the majority of parents in France already work. Thus parents can still work without having to worry about the child’s condition.