Policies regarding Contraception in France

Policies regarding Contraception in FranceBirth control or birth control is then better known as KB or the Family Planning program in Indonesia. This family planning program is regulated by an official organization from the government and is responsible for monitoring and enforcing regulations and provisions related to the family planning program. It is also the case abroad and each country has its own organization. It is the same in France. However, France includes the birth control program and field under the ministry of health so that most of the policies are the direct responsibility of the ministry.

In the implementation of the birth control, there are many programs launched by the French government. One of them is related to the use of contraception. Contraception is a method commonly used in various countries. Interestingly, France not only supports and provides permits and regulations regarding this contraception, but also provides subsidies, especially related to birth control pills or birth control pills in Indonesia. However, the consumption of these pills cannot be done freely. Based on the existing provisions, these pills or drugs can only be taken after getting a recommendation from a gynecologist because this is related to health conditions as well as the type of drug and dosage to be used.

Then, there are also contraceptive implants. This contraceptive product comes in the form of implants which will later be installed or placed in the body. This implant will be placed under the surface of the skin and looks like a stick or stick with a very small size. The function of this implant is to affect the performance of hormones like the contraceptive pill. Hormones from this implant will enter and circulate in the blood to later affect the ovulation process. The goal is to suppress ovulation. These implants are able to survive in the body for at least three years. This implant has been known and legalized for its use since 2001 and it can be purchased at pharmacies with subsidies from the government to get a more affordable price.

Policies regarding Contraception in France

Then, also known as spermicides. It is a chemical substance and is in the form of a gel or capsule. As the name implies, this chemical is responsible for killing or destroying sperm cells or spermatozoa that enter a woman’s vagina. Unlike pills and implants, the use of spermicides does not require a prescription and recommendation from a gynecologist. However, this is not included in the government subsidy so the price will not get a discount like the contraceptive pills and implants.

What’s interesting about the contraceptive policy from France is related to the permits granted. The government, through the ministry of health, does provide subsidies for some contraceptive products because they are quite expensive. This specifically refers to contraceptive pills and implants that require a prescription from a doctor. In addition to support in the form of subsidies, the government also waived the cost of contraception for women up to the age of 18 years. This is intended to provide assistance to women so that they do not have to be hindered by financial problems when they want to use the contraceptive.

In addition, a new policy was also issued by the government through the ministry of health related to the contraception. In 2022, there will be a new policy regarding general limits regarding the government’s free contraceptive policy. In the previous regulation, the maximum age limit was eighteen years. However, starting on January 1 next year, a new policy took effect and the age limit was changed to twenty-five years. This policy is certainly good news for women who do not want to get pregnant but must be constrained by costs.

Things to Know About Family Planning in France

Things to Know About Family Planning in France

Things to Know About Family Planning in France – France is one of developed countries in the world. The population in 2019 are around sixty seven million. As the population keeps on growing, the government starts to announce about family planning. The plan is about to control the number of birth and control the population growth in France. It might seem complicated, but the effect for long term is worth for its effort.

  • Specific Ages for Specific Suggestions in Family Planning

The first thing that people in France need to pay attention is about specific ages for specific suggestions in family planning. The first one is about the minimum age for male and female to get married. Female is suggested to get married when she is 21 years old and male is suggested to get married when he is 25 years old. In these ages, a couple is expected to give birth in their productive period.

After welcoming the first child, it is suggested to give a gap around 3 or 5 years old before trying to have another child in the house. Contraception tools in France are suggested to support this plan. There is a period when it is suggested to have a baby. However, when the mother is already 35, it suggested stopping the effort. Instead, mother and father are suggested to take care of children they have.

Things to Know About Family Planning in France
  • Family Planning is Basically About Making A Plan

People say, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. It also works in family planning in France. It is basically about making a plan, but the plan must be made after having a thorough study about having family. There are things that a couple in France need to learn about family planning, like the number of children they are willing to have.

It is important for a couple to talk about it together, so there will not be any problems in the future. Talking about contraception tools, there are so many tools provided in the hospital in France. However, not every tool is suitable for marriage couple. Therefore, it is suggested for both of them to learn more about ypes of contraception tools and find one who suits the most to their condition.

Family planning is important for everyone in the world, including in France. There are two things that a marriage couple needs to pay attention. First, they need to learn about specific ages for specific suggestion. Second, they also need to know that the basic of family planning is making a plan.

Family Planning Organizations in France and Benefits Provided

Family Planning Organizations in France and Benefits Provided

Based on existing data, it is known that France belongs to one of the countries in the European Union which has the highest fertility rate. The position of France is behind Ireland. It is known that fertility rates in France reach around 1.6 children per woman. This figure is quite high when compared to the fertility rates in Eastern and Southern Europe which are quite low.

Birth in France is also much influenced by the conditions of family life and social harmony. Although there was an economic crisis in 2009, it did not significantly affect the birth rate in this country. Even if you see the trend, as many as 60% of the young generation of France wants to build a family and have offspring.

Benefits Provided by the French Family Planning Organization

It is known that around 60% of the young generation in France has a family and also descendants. The most influential thing about births in France is not the socio-economic conditions of society but conditions such as family life and social harmony. No wonder France is expected to be number one in Europe.

An increasing number of people in France encouraged the government to establish a family planning organization. Not only to control the population, but also to provide assistance and support for the family. Significant influence and benefits were also provided by family planning organizations.

In the latest data in 2013, it was known that there had been a population increase of up to 300 thousand in France. This increase in population is affected by a surplus in the number of births compared to death. Population dynamism in France can strengthen the position of countries in Europe. Plus France has a fairly high fertility rate.

Keep in mind that the establishment of a family planning organization is not only aimed at making rules. But also at the same time providing assistance and policies for the family. Surely the government wants all of its people to live in prosperity. So there is no gap in the country.

Family planning organizations not only control population in number. This organization also provides understanding and policy to the family. Assistance is also provided by. For example, such as the provision of family allowances, giving special leave for parents, as well as tax breaks in accordance with the number of family members. Those are some of the things provided by family planning organizations for a family.

In addition, family planning organizations also regulate about the maximum number of children in a family. In a family, the maximum number of children should be two. That way families in France will not experience the excess of children who cannot be taken care of and develop well. The hope is that all families in France can live in prosperity.